
4 posts with this tag.
Review: Why Cycles Wayward

Review: Why Cycles Wayward

The Wayward from Why Cycles is a plus-sized bikepacking bike from Carbondale, Colorado-based Why Cycles. Why was founded in 2016 by Adam Miller and Greg Herman who were previously behind Borealis, a brand that sold innovative super-light carbon fat bikes at a time when most fat bikes were steel and weighed more than a barrel ...

Cedar Keyes of Esker Joins Mountain Bike Radio/ Win an Esker Cycles Elkat S

Cedar Keyes of Esker Joins Mountain Bike Radio/ Win an Esker Cycles Elkat S

A two-parter with Esker Cycles; First up is Cedar Keyes of Esker joining Ben from Mountain Bike Radio podcast during our Dirt Fest West Virginia Festival. (Be sure to scroll to the bottom to listen to the episode.) Second, Esker Cycles is helping get some new trail built in their home state of Montana. Flathead ...

The Young and the Restless: Montana’s youth are itching to ride

The Young and the Restless: Montana’s youth are itching to ride

by David Tucker It’s late afternoon and the air has a bite to it. The heat of summer is gone, replaced by the angular and indirect sunlight of fall. Four grade-schoolers huddle together while their mate sits on his bike, poised above a miniature tabletop, waiting anxiously to drop in. “Can I send it?” he ...

Hear Us Roar: Lionhead, Montana

Hear Us Roar: Lionhead, Montana

In Montana, mountain bike advocates seek continued access to the Lionhead by David Tucker Halfway up the final climb to Targhee Pass, our progress grinds to a halt. From the high side of the trail, a ball of earth the size of a VW bus hovers suspended in midair, propped up by six 50-foot beams ...

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