
3 posts with this tag.
A Visit with Engin Cycles

A Visit with Engin Cycles

Germantown Avenue seems like a comparatively quiet street when considering the rest of Philadelphia. Trolley tracks and cobbled paths remain from the years gone by, there is a lot that houses a food truck and what appears to be a small farmers market. It’s June in Philadelphia, and the summer heat is already reducing movement ...

Cargo Bikes and Wheelie Kids: Transport Cycles makes bikes fun again

Cargo Bikes and Wheelie Kids: Transport Cycles makes bikes fun again

Dirt Rag’s web team (Webatron5000) took a road trip to Philadelphia to check out some local trails, eat ice cream, and meet some of the frame builders and bike shops who keep the city rolling. We had the pleasure of meeting the crew of Firth and Wilson Transport Cycles and talking with Simon Firth, co-owner ...

Cool Shop: Somervelo in Boston, MA

Cool Shop: Somervelo in Boston, MA

If you are like me, it’s hard to think of the city of Boston, Massachusetts without thinking about bicycles. Boston is home to countless custom frame builders, racing legends and access to some wonderful scenic and challenging singletrack within the city limits. The current bicycling infrastructure has also helped grow Boston’s cycling community tremendously over ...

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