
3 posts with this tag.
Pandemonium in Portland: Singlespeed Cyclocross World Championships

Pandemonium in Portland: Singlespeed Cyclocross World Championships

By Stevil Kinevil  The year was 2007. One person or another asked me if I’d planned on attending the first-ever Singlespeed Cyclocross World Championships, which were to be held a few weeks later in Portland, Oregon. Having been in the trenches both organizing and racing in some of the first Singlespeed World Championships of the ...

Access Action: Portland, we still have a problem

Access Action: Portland, we still have a problem

Editor’s note: We will be updating this post at the bottom as news develops. Photos by Adam Newman Portland, Oregon, has a reputation as a progressive and welcoming city for cyclists. It has one of the highest rates of bicycle commuting in the country and it supports a huge road and cyclocross race scene. In ...

Access Action: Portland, we have a problem

Access Action: Portland, we have a problem

By Greg Galliano and Melanie Strong

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