
2 posts with this tag.
Vote for the next class at the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame

Vote for the next class at the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame

It’s that time of year again—Voting is now open for the nominees in the next class of the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame. This will be the first class since the Hall of Fame moved to the new Marin Museum of Bicycling, in Fairfax, California, which opened in June. There are six nominees, but you can ...

Riding with the Breeze

Riding with the Breeze

It’s hard to imagine a more unassuming guy than Joe Breeze. Unlike his contemporaries Gary Fisher or Tom Ritchey, who are easy to spot in a crowd, Breeze could be the guy standing in line in front of you at the grocery store, or your friendly neighbor who always greets you with a wave and ...

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