
6 posts with this tag.
Video: ‘Danny MacAskill – Epecuén’

Video: ‘Danny MacAskill – Epecuén’

Courtesy of Red Bull Following on from 2013’s mind-blowing ‘MacAskill’s Imaginate’, Epecuén is the latest film from Danny MacAskill. Directed by long time collaborator Dave Sowerby, will see Danny take his riding back to the roots of trials riding, exploring the forgotten town of Epecuén in Argentina, a location that has been submerged for the ...

Movie marathon: New vids from MacAskill, Peaty, Garcia and more

Movie marathon: New vids from MacAskill, Peaty, Garcia and more

Imaginate, Episode 5

After the release of Danny MacAskill’s most anticipated film to date, the final episode of MacAskill’s Imaginate looks at some of the challenges around the project and finally lifts the lid on aspects that up until now, have been a guarded secret!

Danny MacAskill’s ‘Imaginate’ riding film is here

Danny MacAskill’s ‘Imaginate’ riding film is here

After exploding into internet stardom with his short riding films "Inspired" and "Way Back Home", Scottish trials rider Danny MacAskill’s latest work needed to top them all. Partnering again with Red Bull and Inspired Bicycles, MacAskill opened his sketchbook to revive all the ideas that had been bouncing around inside his head for years. 

Danny MacAskill teases new film project

Danny MacAskill teases new film project

Danny MacAskill is back with a new project, Imaginate, in which he seeks to push the limits of his sport even further than he has previously.

Sometimes being told you can do whatever you want can be more intimidating than being held back and it’s the sign of a true champion to be able to grasp their dreams and make them come to life.

Whiskey, Bikes and Bottle Rockets

Whiskey, Bikes and Bottle Rockets


A Scottish adventure with Hans, Peaty and Danny

By Hans Rey and photos by Andy McCandlish

Trials, for the rest of us.

Trials, for the rest of us.

It’s a safe bet that every time Danny MacAskill comes out with a new video it’s only a matter of hours before it goes viral, clogging the interweb and your social media feeds. And for good reason, Danny’s got skills.

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