
2 posts with this tag.
Review: Liteville 601 Mk2

Review: Liteville 601 Mk2

Liteville isn’t a brand you see much of on this side of the pond. A sister company to German component maker Syntace, Liteville makes just three understated models, which, when examined closely, display some of the finest design and engineering in the industry. Rather than complaining about what wasn’t on the market, Liteville was formed ...

First Impression: Liteville 601

First Impression: Liteville 601

You’ve never heard of Liteville? That’s OK, it’s not like you local bike shop has racks full of these bikes. Liteville is a sister company of Syntace, the German component brand. Besides being a niche brand, the 601 is a niche bike, with a downhill-worthy 190mm of rear travel, packaged into a frame that is ...

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