Last of the International Singlespeed Party Animals
Originally posted on March 31, 2010 at 16:54 pm
More than 700 brave souls have registered for the event since sign-ups opened on January 1st, and the organizers capped entries for New Zealand residents on March 21st. However, if you’re willing to travel there from another country, there’s still room for you.
Taking the festive vibe of Singlespeed World Championships to the next level, you can also still register for the event as a…I’m not making this up… “Party Animal.” Though you won’t be permitted to “race” if you register under this classification, you will still come out a winner when you receive a special Party Animal t-shirt, beer tickets (of course) and party tickets in return for your registration dollars.
Sound like something you can get into? Then register here. The fee for “Singlespeed Competitor – International” classification is $115NZD, while “Party Animals” only have to pay $75NZD. What’s the exchange rate between the NZD and the USD? I have no idea, but you can go here to find out.
The 2010 Singlespeed World Championships will be held in Rotorua, New Zealand on October 23rd, and will be the finale of the week-long Rotorua Bike Festival. The organizers aren’t saying what sort of zany competition they’ll hold to determine where the 2011 event will be held, but it’s probably a safe bet to say that it’ll be exciting.
We know all too well that there are a million great stories from SSWC from years past. Why don’t you share some of yours in the comments area down below?