We are less than two weeks away from the 5th annual BikeFest here in Pittsburgh. What is BikeFest? Probably best to let BikePGH explain it: “BikeFest is Pittsburgh’s biggest cycling event for cyclists by cyclists. It’s BikePGH’s annual celebration of bicycling, showcasing Pittsburgh in all of its uniqueness and beauty. It is not an organized event, but a framework for volunteers and organizations to organize bicycle-themed events. Whether you ride everyday, the weekends, or just always wanted to try, BikeFest has an event for you!”

There are some really great events planned, I’ve picked out a few to highlight below.

August 14-Friday—BikeFest Kick off and Fundraiser Party, with DJ’s , good food, and great local beer.

Tickets and more info here.

August 15th-Saturday—Bicycle Times Magazine PAPA Ride—Our fearless publisher has planned a ride to PAPA’s (Professional and Amateur Pinball Association) World Pinball Championships

August 22nd-Saturday—Historic Bike Tour of Industrial Pittsburgh—Join Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area on a historic tour of industrial Pittsburgh.

August 23rd-Sunday—Tour de History—The Pittsburgh Major Taylor Cycling Club and Venture Outdoors host  a casual cycling tour of historic African American sites in Pittsburgh.

Plenty more rides, hash rides, racing on the track, the streets and woods, more themed rides, mobile bike repair stations, bike polo, the list is long, with multiple events each day. A truly good time can be had by any type of cyclist.

Click here for the calendar of events, or just click the image below.