The North American Handmade Bicycle Show came to Indianapolis this year, and it was better than ever. While many lamented the move to America’s heartland after last years show in the preeminent bike town of Portland, this year serious bike people came from near and far to check out the wares.  This resulted in high-quality participation.

Happy Inglis

The Dirt Rag and Bicycle Times staff were there in full force as well. Justin set up our whole photo studio in the back hall while Eric covered the editorial end for the next issue (141) of Dirt Rag. Andrew and Matt handed out copies of Dirt Rag and Bicycle Times and serviced subscribers new and old with free Jagwire cable sets and Genuine Innovations inflators. Me, I bounced around commiserating with long-time readers as well as the cream of the bicycle-business crop, people with their hearts and souls fully enveloped by the love of the rotating mass. Pretty much everyone in attendance.


A big hand to Don Walker for seeing this event through five years and four different locations. And thanks to the volunteers, the exhibitors, the local and international cycling communities, and everyone who attended, this weekend was a great example of what the cycling life can be.