ArtBike! Exhibition Rolling Into Indy
Originally posted on January 24, 2009 at 9:20 am
Participating galleries will display hand-made custom-painted bicycles from NAHBS, and there will be a special display area at NAHBS for selected contributing artists to show their art in a commercial setting in front of show attendees. Indianapolis school students have been invited to participate. Persons interested in participating in ArtBike! should contact Laura Brennan at O2SM via email or by calling 415.359.0730.
The following Indianapolis galleries are participating:
- Big Car Gallery–1043 Virginia Ave.
- Alkis Kermidas Museum of Art–401 N.College Ave.
- McFee gallery–874 Mass. Ave.
- AV Framing–1139 Shelby St.
- Art Bank–811 Mass. Ave.
On the night of Thursday, February 26th there will be an ArtBike! party the Big Car Gallery where all artists, friends and contributors will gather to celebrate art and bikes. More information and the latest news on ArtBike! is available at the HAHBS website.