
The brain is always brewing up something and today I am going to share some of those thoughts.
Always going, go, go, go, that is what we are all trained to do. That is where my mind went today, the comparison of racing a bike and the so-called “rat race” that we live on a daily basis.
Today started off with the 7:30 am departure on my bicycle to go deliver some packages. That lasted until 10:15 am when it was time for me to race home, change my costume and leave, dripping with sweat, to my next appointment/job. On my race home on my bike is when I started to think that I spend my whole life racing. And I am not the only one, that is how the world operates. It was comical to me to start comparing the act of racing my bicycle and daily life.
The “rat race” is no myth. That is what we all do, wake up and Go. And once the going gets started it is hard to stop. Next thing you know you are spinning out of control trying to slow down. For me sometimes slowing down is next to impossible and only comes when my head finally hits the pillow.
That is oh so similar to what I do out on the mountain bike course. It is a slow start but once I get warmed up there is no stopping. It is time to Go and that is what I do. And before I know it I am focused and caught in the moment. The moment is like a wave that is carrying me to shore, or the finish line. And again I am spinning out of control and won’t stop until I reach the end, the finish.
“You sleep when you are dead”, right? I find that to be a useful and funny quote but finding other times to sleep is good too. Naps are priceless and necessary at times. So lets try to relax sometimes too. Stretch, read a book and listening to music.
On that note, I think it is nap time.