September 11: Prescott, AZ
Originally posted on October 1, 2001 at 10:40 amEditor’s note: After the September 11th attacks, I sent out a request in our eNewsletter. Here’s what it said:
"I haven’t been able to get away from the news for the past week, and I’m sure most of you feel the same way. Wherever you were, whatever you were doing, you’ll probably remember the specifics for a long time. But memories deteriorate.
While I often find myself begging (almost) for more contributions, this request is of a different nature. Please take a few minutes to reflect on the past week and write down your experiences. I want to know where you were, how you reacted, what you saw, what you didn’t see.
I want to know how this has affected people. I will try to find a way to share it with everyone; or no one, if you prefer."
What I received soon thereafter surprised me. I not only received more contributions than I expected, but I found myself coming to terms with things through the reactions of those who wrote back.
I encourage you to read each and every response, for they represent a fraction of what I received. Please remember that these are uncensored responses that might offend you. Read and digest. Perhaps it will help you too.
– Michael Browne, October 2001
By L.A. Winney
Prescott, AZ
I took my first ride in the new world today. Didn’t ride last week, drank alot, cried some, much reflection…Anger, revenge, turning into sadness. How to answer my son’s question, "What happens to little boys during war ?" "They stay at home with their mothers." We were both reassured. All that I can do is love them, and ride.