New Issue! – 206 – DIY Summer School

Originally posted on August 1, 2018 at 22:38 pm

The new Dirt Rag is hitting shelves and showing up in mailboxes, here is a peek inside the new issue.

We aren’t just keyboard jockeys. We’ve even got proof in this issue with three DIY projects: carbon frame repair, bamboo frame construction, and lugged-steel frame making. Maybe you’ll find some inspiration here for a new project.


Karen Brooks shares her still-evolving story of becoming a mountain bike skills instructor in Rad School


We review a pile of new stuff, including a Fox 36 with Grip2 damper, an Underground Bike Works Revival 27plus hardtail, the new Santa Cruz 5010 and Rocky Mountain Thunderbolt.

We add a new column, Be Kind, Rewind, covering classic bikes and the stories behind them. We kick it off with a very famous Yeti Arc prototype.


Stevil, Watts and Ange talk about bikes and life in their respective columns and we Catch up with Miki Vuckovich, former pro-skateboard photographer turned cyclist.

If you are a subscriber this is probably old news, if you aren’t what are you waiting for? Do you want to stare at a screen for longer than you already do? Give those eyes and that brain a rest, pick up a magazine. You can get them to your door, really cheap, RIGHT HERE.



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