NAHBS: Day 2 Highlights
Originally posted on February 18, 2018 at 9:40 amFuzzy eyed and coffee charged, we lumbered our way to Day 2 of NAHBS. The myth of Jenga greatness welcomed our visitors to the Dirt Rag booth today. Young and old looked to achieve legendary status in the attempts to out-Jenga Dunk and Evan. Day 2 also brought the judges out and the inevitable winners of the weekend’s various categories. To be honest, we collectively missed the winners, amongst conversations of where the best pizza in town is and “is it really going to snow 29 inches tonight?” (currently, it’s well on its way), the call of the winners was a mumble in the background. Let us be honest, your favorite bike and my favorite bike are likely not the same, so in our eyes, everyone is a winner.

Perhaps the biggest winner of the day was not selected by the judges at all, but a young man who was selected by DeSalvo Cycles to have his dream bike built and shown at the show this weekend. As you can imagine the young gentleman was STOKED! and the bike was quite the eye catcher.

There was also a lot of love floating around the show today–from Bromances to families, we were all feeling warm and fuzzy. The snow is falling hard in Hartford right now, so some warm love will be welcomed for the third and final day at NAHBS tomorrow. Challenge us to a game of Jenga, if you dare!

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