National advocacy groups join to form Youth Cycling Alliance

Originally posted on September 30, 2016 at 13:08 pm

At Interbike 2016, 30 representatives from 11 U.S. cycling organizations joined together to launch the Youth Cycling Alliance. They discussed how to work more cooperatively to enhance and expand youth cycling programming across the country, including identifying opportunities for strengthening partnerships and aligning programming efforts.


Engaging women, kids, minorities, physically challenged individuals and underserved populations were primary topics of discussion. The representatives discussed ways to expand the scope, size and quality of cycling programs to reach those groups, specifically.

The meeting was hosted by Trips for Kids, facilitated by Nat Lopes from Hilride Progression Development Group and attended by leaders from People for Bikes, League of American Bicyclists, International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA), National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA), Cycle Kids, Little Bella’s, Project Bike Tech, Professional Bicycle Mechanics Association and Planet Bike.

“Supporting youth cycling is the most effective way to expand ridership and ensure the future of the cycling industry in the United States,” said Austin McInerny, NICA’s executive director.

The group is working toward the development of a 2020 youth cycling initiative. Follow the Facebook page to participate in the discussion and keep up with the group’s progress.


Posted in Advocacy News

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