Katherine Fuller named online editor for Rotating Mass Media

Originally posted on September 10, 2015 at 23:00 pm

Rotating Mass Media has hired Katherine Fuller to be the new online editor for Dirt Rag and Bicycle Times magazines. Fuller replaces Adam Newman, who was named editor-and-chief of Bicycle Times in July.

K FullerAs online editor, Fuller will oversee the care, feeding and growth of each magazine’s online presence, from the websites to social media.

Fuller spent the previous five years with the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) where she was most recently its communications manager. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and is working toward a master’s in marketing and public relations.

“When I started at IMBA, I was new to mountain biking,” said Fuller. “Someone slapped a bunch of back issues of Dirt Rag on my desk and told me I needed to read them to understand the culture. I’ve been hooked ever since and couldn’t be more delighted to now be a part of both Rotating Mass Media publications.”

“Our websites and digital products are a really huge part of the future of Rotating Mass Media,” said Publisher and owner Maurice Tierney. “We’re fortunate to have Katherine on the team and we’re excited to see where she can take us.”

Fuller is a proud native Texan but currently resides in Golden, Colorado. She can be reached at [email protected].

Find her on Instagram @dirtragmag, @bicycletimes and @texpatcolo. Don’t forget to share your favorite bike-related photos by tagging them #RidersEye or sending them to [email protected].

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