Featured Ride: Phillip’s Ridge to Phillip’s Canyon via Snotel

Originally posted on September 2, 2015 at 8:20 am


MTB Project encourages users to rank rides and trails in order to help other riders prioritize ride options when exploring new trails. Rider’s who have been lucky enough to ride this high-country route have rated it favorably enough to capture the number one rating in the region surrounding Grand Teton National Park and number two in the entire state of Wyoming. It’s sure to be a good time.


This 14.4-mile loop starts from the trailhead on Fish Run Road, just north of Wilson. You’ll earn your turns by climbing gradually for the first 8 miles or so to a maximum elevation of 8,427 feet. Throughout the entire ride you’ll gain just shy of 2,500 feet of elevation.


After mile 10, you’ll begin to reap the rewards of your effort as you begin the technical 4-mile descent back down to the trailhead on Phillip’s Canyon trail. This video from Yeti Cycles gives you a little bit of perspective on the riding in the Jackson area.

If you’re planning to visit, be sure to check out all the details on MTB Project.

Photos courtesy of MTB Project.


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