Barry Wicks: Ready for rocks

Originally posted on May 5, 2011 at 12:15 pm

By Barry Wicks

The Trans-Sylvania Epic starts in less than 30 days in State College, Pennsylvania. The only time I have ever been to State College was in 2005 when I raced the Single Speed World Championships there. All I remember from that trip was that it was super rocky, I had to run about three miles in my bike shoes during the LeMans start and I saw Superman riding his bike and smoking cigarettes. And it was super rocky. Like “Rocky III” rocky, when he has to take down Mr. T, and his coach thinks he has gotten soft and can’t beat him but then he goes all crazy at the statue of himself and does the “Eye of the Tiger” thing and kicks Mr. T’s ass in the end. Yeah, that rocky.

I’m pretty excited for it though. I mean, who wouldn’t want to spend another week at summer camp? But this time instead of creepy counselors named “Scooter” and swimming lessons, you get to ride mountain bikes all day and drink beer at night? Sign me up! I’m sure it’s not going to be all fun and games, but isn’t that what summer camp is all about? Discovering yourself, finding out new things about your body, and making new friends for life? If it was easy or not rewarding it wouldn’t be called an “Epic”, just the “normal bike ride in a small Pennsylvania town”. But it’s not. It’s called the Transylvania Epic, and that means it’s going to be awesome. Even for all the rocks.

More from TSE: Read all our racers’ exclusive dispatches from the race.



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