Ride bikes, fight cancer Friday

Originally posted on November 23, 2010 at 10:03 am

Who do you ride for? 

This weekend you can ride for 5-year-old Tyler Blick at the seventh annual Le Tour de Tryptophan, a 24-hour mountain bike ride (not race) in Fullerton, Calif.

Tyler, son of MTB Hall of Fame inductee Steve Blick, was diagnosed last year with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and faces years of chemotherapy. But thanks to some kind words and support from a certain seven-time Tour de France winner and his Radioshack cycling team, Tyler and is family are bravely facing his treatment.

The ride takes you around the 11-mile, fun-for-all-skil-levels Fullerton Loop. Everyone who participates is a winner, but if you complete the most laps in 24 hours you will likely get a pretty cool prize. The ride starts Friday, November 27 at noon.

And if you can’t make it, you can still contact the orgainzers to purchase a t-shirt or hoodie to support the cause.

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