
3 posts with this tag.
DJ Brandt in “Freedom 35”

DJ Brandt in “Freedom 35”

DJ Brandt brings his freeriding wizardry to this latest Commencal edit. Filmed by Tory Powers, DJ Brandt is back in the desert living his best life in Freedom 35.

DJ Brandt in ‘Dirt Merchant Dreaming’

DJ Brandt in ‘Dirt Merchant Dreaming’

The Commencal media team has been hard at work this season. Hopefully, they get a little break for the holidays. Enjoy DJ Brandt shredding the infamous Dirt Merchant trail in Whistler.

DJ Brandt Joins Commencal

DJ Brandt Joins Commencal

DJ Brandt is one of the fastest growing names in freeride. From skateparks to Red Bull Rampage, he’s a rider that can do it all. Residing in Colorado and spending much of his time in Utah, DJ has built himself numerous training grounds that have helped get him to where he is today. Coming fresh ...

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