In the past, during our time in Vegas, we’ve borrowed a random assortment of bikes from various friends who drove to the show, and rode the two-or-so miles from the crappy motel we called home to the convention center. This year things are different—we are stylin’. First of all, we rented a house, complete with pool and big kitchen (and we even have chef Carol Clemens to make good use of said kitchen). Second, we got hooked up with commuting bikes by Raleigh and Diamondback.

This is a sweet score indeed. Some weeks ago we had a vague idea of asking a company or two if we could borrow some of their bikes used at Dirt Demo to commute to the indoor portion of the show from our digs, six miles each way. This seemed kind of like one of those questions we get from time to time, along the lines of, “Hey, what happens to the bikes you review when you’re done with them?”—perhaps a bit cheeky. With all the other preparations for the show we neglected to do anything about it, however, until the middle of last week. One call to Reed Pike at Raleigh and our transportation problems were solved.


Trevor of Raleigh met us on Tuesday night after the Dirt Demo and delivered bikes that we had picked out of the Raleigh/Diamondback demos. Here is our entire fleet (plus Robert from Twofish’s personal bike). We’ve got two Raleigh XXIX-G hardtail 29ers (the “G” is for geared), two Raleigh Sojourn touring bikes (real touring bikes, complete with Brooks leather saddles and grip tape), two Diamondback Insight flat-bar road bikes, and a Diamondback Detour Deluxe fully-outfitted commuting bike.

It seemed from the map that it would be a simple matter to find some back streets leading to our house…but there was the big-ass nasty I-15 highway to cross somehow. Justin’s navigation skills came to the rescue (he’s the one thay pays attention to maps) and we made it home “only” an hour after we left.

Look for some individual photos of the bikes in the next couple of days. We’ll try really hard not to leave these loaner wheels sitting outside the bar while we drink and gamble ‘til the wee hours…just kidding, Reed!
