Classic Riding in Durango with Jeff-Kendall Weed

Originally posted on December 19, 2018 at 8:01 am

Durango, CO is a town that is synonymous with mountain biking. The trails high in the Rockies have had some of the worlds greatest riders roll over them. Legend’s like John Tomac and Missy Giove have left their mark on the mountain and made Durango a hotbed for the sport. To pay tribute to the good ‘ol days Jeff and crew of locals grab some classic rides and hit the trails. We got to say this latest video from Jeff really speaks to the Dirt Rag soul, some beautiful steel machines on some historical single track, all this clip is missing is some tie-dye and a couple of post-ride IPA’s. I hope you enjoy this video as much we do.

classic lines, classic rides.

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