Ride for Reading: a journey for revival

Originally posted on July 5, 2018 at 0:01 am

So many of us ride bikes past the pavement to escape into the magic of the woods, the desert, or the plains where our imaginations can still take off and our adult stresses relax. Most of us started that early exploration and adventure by reading books, whisked off to alternate realities where we could see and do anything. But what if we didn’t have books to stoke those fires of curiosity? Lots of kids today are growing up with just one book in their home that is at their reading level, or sometimes even less.

Who better to organize to solve this problem than a community of mountain bikers? Ride for Reading is a nationwide effort to get books into the hands of kids in need, one pannier (or two) at a time. Check out these riders in Nashville and El Paso who delivered books to kids in their communities, then reached out beyond to bring the gift of reading to kids in the small West Texas town of Dell City.

Watch this video, then reach out to your community to see how you can make an impact. Get rad, be rad.

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