Photo Essay: The Silverton Whiteout Festival

Originally posted on February 13, 2018 at 10:38 am

Words and photos by Colt Fetters

The mild winter in the San Juan’s didn’t keep the fat bike freaks from swarming Silverton for the fourth annual Whiteout Festival. The winter fat bike course winds through the former silver mining camp that now is Silverton, nestled among Colorado’s San Juan Mountains below the infamous Red Mountain Pass. The majority of the riders weren’t out to win but were there for the experience of the event. And who could blame them – Main Street held the dance party; on the other end was the B.B. Gun shooting gallery; somewhere in the middle was the bacon station and just about everywhere there was a keg full of local brew accompanied by live music. Winners for team relay and 10 hr solo take home extremely elaborate and eclectic homemade trophies designed by local cyclists. This grassroots event is only going to get larger; it’s definitely worth checking out next year should you get the chance!

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