Video: A Whole New Way

Originally posted on September 19, 2017 at 19:41 pm

Words and photo by Devon Balet, video by Will Campbell

When I heard the words from the ER Doctor, “You have a broken scaphoid bone in your right wrist,” it felt as though my entire world came crashing down on me that day. The crushing weight of the injury was detrimental. When you go from riding your bike 10-15 hours a week to sleeping 10-15 hours a day, if effects you. My journey from injury through recovery was a lengthy one with three surgeries on my hand in under 10 months. As a full time mountain bike photographer at the time, this could have easily been the end of my career. After each surgery I would have to relearn to move and make my fingers function again. Months went by not being able to hold a camera in my right hand, let along put it onto a handle bar. Through the continue support of brands like Big Agnes, I was able to keep myself afloat and use this injury as a catalyst for change and expansion of myself and career. While there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t wish for a functioning wrist again, the lessons this injury have taught me is something no text book or class room could ever reach. Take time out of your day today to recognize what you are capable of doing and have appreciation. Believe me, it will improve your day.

Devon Balet is a regular contributor to Dirt Rag. 

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