Enter to win a free Strider kids balance bike

Originally posted on March 5, 2015 at 0:01 am


Balance bikes are a great introduction to learning to ride. They teach balance, gliding, and how to start the initial forward movement on a bike, unlike training wheels that teach children to start with both feet on the pedals.

If you’ve got a little tyke at home, or know of one who needs a ride, we have a prize for you: For one week only Bicycle Times has partnered with Strider Sports to offer an awesome sweepstakes giveaway.

Fill out the entry form below before 11:59 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday, March 11, for a chance to win a Strider 12 Sport no-pedal balance bike. It’s a lightweight, pedal-free design that allows children to straddle the bike with both feet on the ground, and easily propel the bike by walking or running.


The winner of the Strider balance bike will be chosen and contacted Thursday, March 12, so don’t delay! In the meantime, you can learn more about Strider and its line of balance bikes at its Facebook page.

If you are having trouble with the entry form you can open it in a new window here.

You can read the contest Terms & Conditions here.


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