Lift-served bike park coming to Milwaukee area

Originally posted on November 12, 2012 at 16:07 pm

Yes, Milwaukee. As in, Wisconson, where you don’t expect to hear about things like gravity riding and lift-served trails. But it’s true. A local developer is planning to biuld a recreation complex that includes baseball fields, snow sports, and mountain bike trails.

While it may not have the elevation drop of Whistler (only 250 feet, in fact) the planners include Whister’s Gravity Logic, one of the biggest names in the trailbuilding business.  The area will be known as the Rock Sports Complex in Franklin, Wisconson, just southwest of Milwaukee. 

Nearby trails will still be free to use, but a fee will be charged to ride the terrain park and gravity areas. Developers hope to have it open in Spring 2013. 

Via the Wisconson Bicycle Federation.

Posted in Bike Industry News

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