Three new singlespeeds in for testing

Originally posted on November 17, 2011 at 14:24 pm

Winter is knocking on the door here in Pittsburgh, and that means it’s singlespeed season. We’ve had a couple new bikes arrive this week for long-term tests and you’ll soon be seing them in the pages of Dirt Rag.

First up is this Gravity G29 that sells for a shockingly low price of $349 on Who says you have to spend a lot of money to have fun? The stock 33/18 gearing won’t be on there for long though. I figure a lot of these bikes never see a real trail so they ship with something more bike-path friendly.

Next is this Canfield Brothers Nimble 9. Canfield says it was built to be the most sporty 29er out there and sports sliding dropouts that can be set up single or geared and let you tuck the rear wheel as far forward as possible. This 4130 steel frame retails for $650.

Finally we have the jewel, a fully custom, one-off bike from Naked Bicycles in British Columbia, Canada. Naked’s builder Sam Whittingham has won several Best-Of awards at NAHBS, including Best-Of-Show of 2008. The winning bike was purchased by none other than Lance Armstrong, and is said to be the one and only bike Lance has ever spent his own money on. This singlespeed-only 29er weighs in at an astonishing 22.8 pounds complete, and sports some… inspired paint.

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