A Trip Like S’mores

Originally posted on May 30, 2011 at 12:07 pm

By Jeremiah Bishop (2010 and 2011 race winner)

The combination is really magic, I think; graham crackers, cheap ass, marshmallows from a run down gas station, some Hersheys bars, and of course fire.

Suppose fire makes a lot of things happen. The human rise to global domination and the improvement upon the cold graham cracker chocomallow sandwich…

For the next week, I think the camping will be a story-maker like no other race I have ever taken part in!

How can I say that after having competed in 20 stage races on 3 continents?

Well, going on this trip to the Tran-Sylvania Epic Stage race with me are my excited wife Erin and turbo-charged two-year-old Conrad. We decided to rent an RV and make the Seven Mountains Campground our home base for the week. A 7-day back country stage race with evening campfires is going to melt into something crazy.

For sure the Grizwalds have nothing on this; upon setting off from home toward the campground, Conrad announced that he is planning to hunt coyotes, Erin wants to go fishing for trout, and me? I am hoping to lockdown a solid race for Cannondale on the new flagship Scalpel 29.

With the swift 10-mile prolouge in 24 hours kicking things off we have a lot of set up to do. Place the RV, stock it with food and water, electricity hooked up, work tents up and secure, coordinate w/Ron the Cannondale team mechanic (on all the imaginable parts and pieces one could need for this bike-eating race) and of course decorate the compound with some pink flamingos and the "beware of pitbull" sign… Sure! time to have fun with it.

More from TSE: Read all our racers’ exclusive dispatches from the race.

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