Winner, Winner Frozen Dinner!

Originally posted on January 26, 2011 at 14:28 pm

Yeah, I know, it’s never too cold to ride your bike. Harden the core up, and stop the whining, right? But I’m a man with a different plan.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And when Ma Nature dumps piles of white stuff, grab the XC skis and go with the flow in the snow. Kick and glide—now that’s what talkin’ ’bout.

My local singletrack offers stellar XC skiing terrain, whenever the snow is too deep for mountain biking.

And, thanks to a little ingenuity, my trip to the nearby county park, can combine my biking and skiing passions in the same excursion (see photo). What’s not to like about that?

If you haven’t yet experienced the joy of silently gliding through snowy singletrack, I heartily recommend giving it a try. Check your local ski/outdoor shops for rental options. Shops that offer downhill ski rentals often offer XC rentals too.

Another option is to find a nearby XC touring center, or downhill ski resort, for equipment rentals and/or XC ski lesson packages.

If you have the mad money and want to plunge right in, starter XC ski packages that will serve you well for several years can be had for around $300.

However you proceed to procure a pair of planks for your pups, I feel confident that you will not be disappointed with the result.

If you have any questions about getting started, feel free to post them below.

See you on the trails!

—Karl Rosengarth

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